Lesley Meyer
Physiotherapist & Author

Help me COPE

  • 1004 Rabie Road, Eldoraigne, Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa

Please contact me via Whats App for all queries

Education through courses and motivational speaking

Lesley trains physiotherapists in Trigger point therapy and the 6 fundamental factors of being healthy. She inspires others with her motivational and training talks at companies such as Eskom to improve their lives through education. She has a unique ability to get the message across regardless of the crowd and is always met with enthusiasm.

Education through books

The "Help me COPE series" of books was written to help children learn vital lessons for coping at school and in life. These books educate them on bullying, which is a global crisis, how to care for our animals and their environment, goal setting, dealing with loss, why we should have good manners, How to look after our bodies, how not to stress-out and how to make friends and be good people.

Student shadowing

Students who want to see if physiotherapy is a profession they would like to pursue are welcome to shadow Lesley and learn about treating chronic pain and the wonderful profession of being a physiotherapist. It is such a huge field with so many different aspects and opportunities to help our communities.

Education through Radio

Lesley regularly speaks on Radio 702 on a variety of topics to help educate the listeners by providing useful tips and activities they can do to improve their general health and wellness. These podcasts are available to listen to on this website.

Uplifting the neighbourhood through caring

Lesley feels that it is important to give back to your community in any way you are passionate about. Be it cleaning rivers, cleaning the neighbourhood, making your garden and home look nice, or helping people in need or in her case making community gardens. One of her recent projects is beautifying the local post office.


Marketing is done through word of mouth and sharing information on different online platforms that you can go and view in your own time if you want to.

Working and studying from home

What to do and how to set up your work station to prevent pain when working from home.

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Ongoing event

This class will take place every Friday from 12 h 00-13 h 00 and some Saturdays from 9 h 30- 10 h 30. It consists of a 20-minute talk about a specific topic to improve stress management and to help you overcome traumas from the past, a 20-minute reflective writing in your journal regarding the specific topic, and a 20-minute tremor release with alpha waves, in the garden.Read More

  • Date: 2023/01/13 12:00 PM
  • Location: 1004 Rabie Road, Eldoraigne, Centurion, South Africa (Map)

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Ongoing event

For those who cannot attend on a Friday, the trauma release class is available on some Saturdays. Booking is essential. It is a class that will help you overcome past traumas that have made you anxious and depressed. It helps with stress, and pain, and will change the way you think about life. You will not be required to share your traumas or past experiences.Read More

  • Date: 2023/02/10 05:35 AM - 2023/12/23 05:31 AM
  • Location: 1004 Rabie Road, Eldoraigne, Centurion, South Africa (Map)

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The old "Finishing School"

The old "Finishing School"

This book was written to help improve ones physical appearance and decorum as well as how to make your home into a happy healthy well-kept home.

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Animals can be bullies too

Animals can be bullies too

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

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How not to stress-out

How not to stress-out

In this book the author helps people understand the different types of stress and how to overcome them.

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Goal setting to improve your potential and self-image

Goal setting to improve your potential and self-image

One of the most important things that you can do is to learn how to do goal setting. In this book the author has divided your life into 8 different areas and explained how to set goals for each area and how to go about achieving 80% of your goals and changing your life for the better.

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Ashes to ashes. Overcoming all forms of loss

Ashes to ashes. Overcoming all forms of loss

We can experience an overload of emotions especially during this pandemic. Generally we can handle a fair amount of stress but when the stress becomes overwhelming, our body starts to show signs of the stress. These are all explained in this book and other books in this series.

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Caring for our animals and their environment

Caring for our animals and their environment

In this book the author speaks about a variety of pets and how to care for them so that everyone is happy and healthy.

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Knights of the 21st Century

Knights of the 21st Century

Children need to be shown right from wrong and the best way is through stories to help them understand. in this book the era of Knights have been used to compare the past with the future school curriculum and how similar they are.

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You weren't born in a barn, where are your manners?

You weren't born in a barn, where are your manners?

Many parents are complaining about bullying being a global crisis. In this book different aspects seen by the author occurring at schools are highlighted and solutions provided.

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"Help Me COPE" book series

"Help Me COPE" book series

The help me cope series of books was written for the LOS subject at school to help our children improve their EQ and IQ when it comes to dealing with bullying at school and other emotional hang ups.

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Back Care Awareness Week

What are the 5 things that you can do to help your back pain and degeneration, so you can age quietly?

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The importance of a good bed and chair

Our posture while sitting or sleeping is very important to help prevent pain. We must maintain a neutral posture at all times and break regularly to change our position.

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Over 200 000 people die from undiagnosed Bilharzia each year

Bilharzia can cause severe chronic pain including, migraines, body pain, poor concentration, gut pain with bloating, diarrhea or constipation, severe fatigue and poor concentration. It can be tested with blood, urine or stool analysis and is treatable. Bilharzia is absorbed through the skin if you are exposed to it through fishing, swimming in dams, being exposed to dirty, infected water. It can live for longer than 30 years in your body. Most water supplies in SA are contaminated.

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New years resolutions and your physio

Every year we vow to change our habits and become healthier. New years resolutions should be done differently. It is more about setting goals of things we would like to do or have and focusing on achieving those instead of doing something we find difficult to stick with. It's the little changes that make a difference.

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Back pain, back spinal surgery and the recovery process

Lesley Meyer, Physiotherapist special interested Chronic pain reflects on National Physiotherapy Back Week and on dealing with back pain, back injuries, spinal surgery and recovery process.

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Treating Gout naturally

Lesley Meyer, Physiotherapist with special interest in Chronic Pain and Health & Wellness on all things you need to know about gout and & how you can naturally treat gout.

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Persistent Chronic pain

Pain can become debilitating. It is very important to treat your pain until it reduces so that you can change your lifestyle to enable you to maintain the improvement.

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Career talk With Lesley Meyer Physiotherapist and Author

The various podcasts were created for the listeners to get a deeper understanding of the different professions. Today we talk to Lesley on physiotherapy and the things she has done in her career.

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Exercises to do with knee rehabilitation

It is important to keep our knees strong to prevent pain and poor range of movement.

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Exercising with back pain

Pain causes weakness and weakness causes pain. It is very important to ensure you exercise to strengthen your back but you may need to pace yourself or change the exercise you are doing.

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Helping children manage stress and goal setting

Everyone suffers from stress including children. Having a good support system and goals set in pace and help reduce your stress.

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Treating Cervicogenic pain

Physiotherapist, Special interest in chronic pain, health and wellness, Lesley Meyer for a better understanding of cervicogenic headaches and some of the techniques of treating cervicogenic headaches.

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The mission of my Out-Patient practice is to provide a holistic approach to my chronic pain patients in a comfortable homely atmosphere. The therapy animals both cats and dogs are welcome in the practice as it reduces stress in those who love animals and enables them to open up more freely, enhancing the therapy. We maintain a friendly and creative work environment which respects diversity of my clients. A partnership is created between the therapist and the patient creating an environment for new ideas, improving treatments and creating an atmosphere where hard work is rewarded with improved health.

My vision for the future is to share my knowledge with complex patients by increasing my knowledge in different online platforms. I am passionate about what I do and enjoy educating all my patients, as education is the key factor to improving your health. With this in mind I will work towards creating these online information platforms to enable all people access to valuable information to enable healing even when they are unable to attend treatment. Healing chronic pain is a journey that starts with the first step. Are you prepared to take this journey with me?
Being part of the change we want

Instead of complaining about the things that are wrong in your life, why don't you be part of the change to make things right?

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Women's day Eskom Zoom talk

Lesley provided a motivational speech via zoom for Eskom for Women's day. The theme: "Filling our love tanks and finding balance"

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New Clubview post office garden

Gardening offers a lot of pleasure and is a stress relieving activity. Lesley has decided to be part of the change and to go out into her neighbourhood and beautify the areas one by one. Her first project is the Clubview Post office.

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Student shadowed chronic pain practice

Before you apply at universities, it is important to be sure that the profession you want to do is suitable for you and will make you happy.

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23 April, World book day, Lesley Meyer was invited to launch her books she had written during lockdown. her books in the "Help Me Cope series" was well depicted in their collage. The launch was via a virtual platform where she could share her books with other authors and LIASA.

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Headaches and neck pain: Virtual presentation given to Eskom

Lesley offers online seminars as well as motivational talks. Eskom has been one of the companies who have used her skills to educate their people.

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National Library of SA book deposit

My books from the series "Help Me COPE" was delivered to the National Library of SA in June 2021 to become part of the books shared to those who frequent their library.

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Please like and subscribe to her channel to keep her motivated so she can continue to make videos to help you COPE.

The "Help me COPE" series was written by the author to help young children as well as adults learn to cope with various problems that can influence their health negatively. The different titles were inspired by the questions that were being asked by her patients as well as the life lessons her son was going through. The theme of each book was linked with lessons that were being taught at school during specific grades such as the life cycles of animals learnt in grade 3 is linked in the book "Caring for your animals and their environment" or idioms that were used in Grade 4-6 were used to write the book "You weren't born in a barn, where are your manners?" Although the series was aimed at the life orientation skills subject starting from grade R, it is applicable for all ages as the information is useful for all. All topics are covered. Why we go to school, how to care for our animals, what is bullying and how to overcome it, how to improve our vibrational energies to attract positivity to us, what are good manners, what is stress and how to overcome it and how to overcome all forms of loss. Her son chose the title of the series as he said "These books are there to help me cope mommy." Thus the "Help me COPE Series" and COPE the abbreviation for "center of pain education".

I have asked several of my patients to rate my services once they have received treatment. This is done for several reasons. Firstly to help others see the type of treatment I do and the results we get. Secondly to improve my services offered to the public. I am here to serve and do the best that I can for my patients, to enable them to live a better life. Thus I am there to help you COPE.

If you have been for treatment please follow one of the following links to rate my treatments so that others can see the benefits of physio treatments. If you have not had treatment before you are welcome to follow the same links to see the various  testimonials. 

