First garden design

Lesley has helped several people design the perfect garden according to their needs. This is part of her community service she offers on a limited basis as it is not her main area of work. It is only for her patients and her local community projects she chooses. She helps with the design and indigenous plants from her nursery and you implement it. It can take you as long or as quick as you would like but at the end you have your own indigenous garden that you put your own blood, sweat and tears into. It gives you a better satisfaction when the job is done.

First garden design
First garden design
First garden design
First garden design
First garden design
First garden design
First garden design
First garden design
First garden design
First garden design

Second garden design

This lady had two full time gardeners in the hopes that they would miraculously change her garden into something amazing, Unfortunately they do not always have the knowledge and often are waiting for you to give them the green light to create a masterpiece. But if you do not know how to garden then where to begin? I designed a garden with loads of fruit and plants that have scents so that you can enjoy the colour as well as the scent of the garden. Within a short period of time she realized that she only needed one gardener and only twice a week instead of every day. It has made a huge difference in her life and she is using her garden daily to walk in and get her 10 000 steps. This is good stress management and improvement of her physique. It also improves your mental health and several people have complimented her on the garden which again boosted her morale.

Second garden design
Second garden design
Second garden design
Second garden design
Second garden design
Second garden design
Second garden design
Second garden design
Second garden design
Second garden design
Second garden design

Brainy Birds parrot sanctuary

As I love my animals I was keen to help Brainy birds create an aesthetically beautiful place for the birds to live in. This also boosts the people who offer their time up to look after these birds who have been rescued from poor conditions and a life of misery. I planted parrot friendly plants so that when they come out to play there is no dangerous plants for them to eat. I tried to plant in their cages but they ate the plants before they could grow, So we focused on the area outside their cages.