There are many things that are wrong in our country that we wish we would change. We open our mouths and complain but are not always prepared to do anything about it ourselves . I read a book many years ago that asked this simple question. "If not me now, then who when?"
In this book the author told several stories that made me sit back and think about my surroundings. During that period of time we were down at the beach and we were sitting between the plastic and rubbish that had been washed up on the beach or left behind by others. It was disgusting. I was not there to take on another job, aka cleaning the beach, but I could take a plastic bag and as I was walking along the beach looking for shells, I could pick up the rubbish until my bag was full.
So we each took our packet and as we walked along the beach every morning, we would pick up shells and rubbish. I had several people stop me to ask what i was doing. My story inspired them to each take a bag with to collect rubbish. By the end of our 10 day stay, the beach was significantly cleaner and I felt a sense of accomplishment. We had collected 20 bags of rubbish which shows that one person or in this case two, can make a difference.
This is why I took on the task of creating a garden at the Clubview Post office. This is why I help my election party when they ask for help. This is why I offer my services to talk on the radio to help those who need help and this is why I am inspired to look for more opportunities to make a difference.
I have now joined the DA to help them with election day. You will see me at their table and I will be there to meet and great you. How wonderful is that!