24 Sep

Lesley was asked to give a motivational speech to Eskom for women's day. The Topic: 'Filling our love tanks and finding balance"

The first part of her talk described the Five Love languages and how to identify them in ourselves and others. By implementing these love languages into your home and work environment you will improve the office vibe as well as your general well-being. 

She then spoke about having balance in your life by dividing your day into three equal parts. Work hard (8 hours), Play hard (8 hours) and rest hard (8 Hours). If you sleep eight hours a night your energy will be amazing and you will be able to attend to all your work demands in a shorter period of time and feel much more focused. If you have more time to spend on your hobbies and time with your family and friends you will not become depressed or feel unloved and unwanted. If you only work your eight hours you will continue to enjoy your work and not constantly be looking for a new job hoping that things will change. You need to be the change.

Lesley spoke about her whats app group for her friends she has gathered over the years and how she uses this to motivate each other by sending crocheting patterns, cooking patterns, challenges to the group. They respond in like with their photos of them doing it or other ideas and challenges. They also meet once a month, when permitted, to learn something new or do something together. 

When you achieve something big, do not be afraid to reward yourself. You need to stop and smell the roses and take time to celebrate the wins and even the losses. This makes you a stronger person and makes you far more resilient.  

The more you do in your balanced life, the more you want to do and it shows in your face as you will be glowing with enthusiasm. Go find the old you that used to have fun and enjoyed life. 

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