When you start writing books, you need ISBN numbers which are provided by various places, one being the National Library of SA. In exchange for the ISBN number you are required to provide a copy of your book to them in whichever format you have completed it in.
I have been writing my series of books aimed at the LOS subject at schools to help children develop their EQ and become well-rounded healthy teenagers and adults.
During Lockdown I wrote two new books for the "Help Me cope" series: "You weren't born in a barn, where are your manners?" and "Ashes to ashes, overcoming all forms of loss."
These books were launched via a virtual platform held by Liasa on World book day 2021. At the beginning of June I took hard copies of my books to the national Library of SA and was helped by Auriah Mabelane who was extremely helpful and friendly and was most obliging to take photos of the hand-over of the books.
I hope that these books will inspire the youth to be someone who they can be proud of and that they can achieve their dreams through goal setting, positive attitudes and respect of themselves and others.