The "Help me COPE" series was written by the author to help young children as well as adults learn to cope with various problems that can influence their health negatively. The different titles were inspired by the questions that were being asked by her patients as well as the life lessons her son was going through. The theme of each book was linked with lessons that were being taught at school during specific grades such as the life cycles of animals learnt in grade 3 is linked in the book "Caring for your animals and their environment" or idioms that were used in Grade 4-6 were used to write the book "You weren't born in a barn, where are your manners?" Although the series was aimed at the life orientation skills subject starting from grade R, it is applicable for all ages as the information is useful for all. All topics are covered. Why we go to school, how to care for our animals, what is bullying and how to overcome it, how to improve our vibrational energies to attract positivity to us, what are good manners, what is stress and how to overcome it and how to overcome all forms of loss. Her son chose the title of the series as he said "These books are there to help me cope mommy." Thus the "Help me COPE Series" and COPE the abbreviation for "center of pain education".