Over 200 000 people die from undiagnosed Bilharzia each year

Bilharzia can cause severe chronic pain including, migraines, body pain, poor concentration, gut pain with bloating, diarrhea or constipation, severe fatigue and poor concentration. It can be tested with blood, urine or stool analysis and is treatable. Bilharzia is absorbed through the skin if you are exposed to it through fishing, swimming in dams, being exposed to dirty, infected water. It can live for longer than 30 years in your body. Most water supplies in SA are contaminated.

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Persistent Chronic pain

Pain can become debilitating. It is very important to treat your pain until it reduces so that you can change your lifestyle to enable you to maintain the improvement.

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Treating Cervicogenic pain

Physiotherapist, Special interest in chronic pain, health and wellness, Lesley Meyer for a better understanding of cervicogenic headaches and some of the techniques of treating cervicogenic headaches.

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Why sitting all day is bad for your health

Sitting for long periods of time is detrimental to your health. It causes ,many adverse affects and increases your stress on your body.

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The effects of stress on the body

Stress comes in many forms, physical, mental and emotional and they all affect us adversely.

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