Over the years of dealing with my own chronic pain from several accidents and injuries, i have honed my skills and understanding of chronic pain. I am able to understand a plethora of conditions from the physical, to the emotional aspect of pain. With my knowledge and courses I have attended I am able to guide you through your complex conditions to make them seem simple and easy to overcome. Once you have an understanding of your condition and what needs to be done, you are 50% of the way in improving it. The next step is to just knuckle down and do the work you have been advised to do.
You have the ability to heal yourself, you just need to change the thoughts you had when you first created the condition. This is where I help you see the bigger picture and help you COPE through education. As this is the Centre of Pain Education (COPE) where all your needs are met.
•Lesley Meyer: physiotherapist with special interest in chronic pain and health and wellness
•Has her honors degree in Physiotherapy and furthered her education through:
-IMS/Dry needling/acupuncture
-NLC/Nutrition and lifestyle coaching
-Pilates instructor
-EFT/Emotional freedom technique
-Author and founder of help me COPE series
and many more